All the information provided in Vayubooking is complete and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Besides that, we want to make sure that the content prices and data, together with other details, are all correct in our website. Therefore, our website sources it from our service providers. Despite the fact that we take every precaution to provide you with complete and up-to-date information. In fact, we are all aware that the travel industry is volatile, with market complexity and fare changes constantly changing. Not to mention, we keep on upgrading the same without giving any prior notice.
According to our terms and conditions, we are not liable for any loss, damage, or injury suffered by you as a result of your reliance on the information provided by us. However, it is well founded for all of the content data and fares published on our website, as well as websites linked to our website.
After all, any offers and deals we provide on our website keep changing and are dependent on the travel industry. Moreover, multiple factors, including travel dates, booking dates, blackout dates, and our terms and conditions, contribute to these changes. Therefore, these fares may change without prior notice to you. In addition, if you request a discount, we will evaluate whether it is reasonable for your bookings.
Not to mention, always ensure that all the details given by you while booking are correct. However, for security reasons and to keep you informed of any changes to your reservation. We need to be able to contact you by telephone and email to have your valid details on record. Hence, if any of your details are not correctly given, we reserve the right to cancel your booking at your risk and cost.
We retain the right, at any time, to change or update the terms and conditions, privacy statement, and disclaimer. Additionally, we advise users to check these policies from time to time. For more information about the disclaimer policy, you can connect with our toll free number.
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